Wednesday, January 29, 2014


More often than not, we are on a good run. Our routines are working perfectly for us, our health and bodies feel like they have their act together and our energy is abundant.
This past week I have learnt to listen to my body and my instincts. 

Maybe I needed a reminder that my routine won't always run smoothly, that there will be things that I have no control over, and will need to quite simply, go with the flow.

If you feel tired or lethargic, take the time to rest. If your mind and body can't get up that extra hour early, sleep in. If you really feel like that piece of chocolate, have it. We start to want and crave these things for a reason, and sometimes I think if we ignore these impulses, its to our disadvantage.

The health and fitness gods aren't going to strike you down because you skipped a session, to rest and recuperate. Friends and family aren't going to disown you, because you've chosen to spend some time with yourself and to relax and enjoy your own company.

If you are experiencing a busy week, and all you feel like doing is going for a light walk - do that. Scrambled eggs for dinner? Totally acceptable.

When you listen to yourself, you will start to feel like you're back on track and ready to face anything.

Things I have learnt this week:

* If it doesn't feel right, then it's not

* Be honest, be assertive

* Family is amazing

* A simple thank you speaks volumes

* Trying to breakdance will quite literally result in popping a rib

* Ignoring said popped rib will only make you cranky

* Eating a big dinner before Yoga will not compliment your downward dog

* Choosing to watch The Vampire Diaries over reading an intellectually stimulating book was a good choice

* Naps on the couch...enough said

What have you learnt this week?

The scene of the breakdancing crime

Words: My Own
Image: Pinterest | My Own

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Guest Blogging on Amazing Coaching

In a fabulous turn of events, you can find me guest blogging today over at
Head on over to check it out and let me know what you think!

Friday, January 17, 2014

My, Myself and I

I used to think that spending time on your own, meant that this was an option by default because no other better plans came up. Sometimes I still think that there is a stigma attached to this, and we are hesitant to answer or admit “oh I didn’t do anything with anyone”.
Some of you might be thinking – “but why didn’t you call a friend to organize to do something”. You are right, that’s always an option, and there are always amazing friends and family available to do just that, but towards the end of 2013 I began to discover that there was something really nice and relaxing, about spending time with yourself and enjoying your own company.
When you spend time with yourself, it allows new and insightful ideas to boil to the surface.
Thoughts and feelings that you may not have noticed or recognized amongst the chaos of everyday life, or being surrounded by people, become awakened.
A fresh perspective on a situation may finally reach a resolution, simply because you took the time to focus on yourself and just be… with yourself.

Spending time on your own allows you to be selfish – do what you want, when you want. Watch movies all afternoon if that’s what you feel like doing. Read a book undisturbed for hours. Relax at the beach with no time constraints or busy schedules. Clean in your underwear because you have the sudden impulse to be productive and neat and tidy. (Don't laugh, we've all done it!)
Through spending time on your own comes clarity, perspective, growth and peacefulness.
No one says you have to do it for hours on end. For some a few hours of personal time is all that is needed.
No longer will I have the mindset that spending time with yourself is a negative thing, because you had nothing else to do. It’s actually what I choose to do, so that when I do spend time with friends and family, they have my full and undivided attention and love.
Words: My Own
Images: Pinterest

Thursday, January 9, 2014

What's In My Bag...

In some exciting news, I was selected by blogger and artist Kristina from EmmaKisstina to participate in her 'What's In My Bag" series!
Kristina does custom prints for small businesses, bloggers and custom illustrations from her Etsy shop. I sent in some pictures of my "favourite things" and a few days later, she had created this amazing collection that describes me perfectly.
"Today's illustration features health and wellness blogger Nicole of Healthy Happy Mind and her favorite bag items. What a perfect way to start off the year, especially since it's resolution time, with someone who promotes positive thinking. (I think we could probably all work on being a little more positive. Don't you think?)"
What do you think?
To read more, here is the link to the feature of my blog on her website:
You can also check out other gorgeous illustrations for purchase on her Etsy store:

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Ease Anxiety Naturally

- Go for a run or a walk
These types of exercises pump feel good hormones around the body

- Laugh! 
Laughing boosts your mood, activates your stress response, boosts circulation and relaxes your muscles. Pick a funny movie or get together with some friends 

- Breathe
A few drops of an essential oil like lavender on your pillow before bed can help have a calming effect when inhaled

- The Box of Worry
Label a small box "worry". If something worries you, write it down and put it in your worry box. As soon as you have something in your worry box, you need to deal with it. Then throw it away so you never have more than one worry in your box at a time.

- Calm
Make time to meditate even for a quick 5-10 minutes. Relax and focus on breathing and try to calm your thoughts. Focus on your surroundings and try not to follow any wandering thoughts.

- De-clutter
If your space is overrun with stuff, commit to throwing out what's needed, giving unused or unwanted clothes to charity.

- Talk
Don't be afraid to turn to a professional. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is considered one of the most effective treatments for anxiety. Working with an expert can help you to see the link between negative thoughts and your mood and give you the skills to develop more control over your emotions. The best part of CBT is that its techniques can be effective no matter what your state of anxiety.

- Stretch
Slow, rhythmic movements of yoga and its deep breathing are perfect solutions to stress and anxiety. 

Words: My Own | Women's Health

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Twenty Fourteen

I always think of a new year the same as when you buy or go to use a new notepad, notebook or diary. Fresh, clean, unused - a blank canvas full of promises, hopes and dreams. A space to use it for what you will, and make of it what you want. 

My New Years Eve wasn't an extravagant, fancy affair, but it was spent celebrating with friends, with sun, fun and bubbles. I woke on the 1st January in a bed made with fresh sheets, in a clean, vacuumed room, to the sound of cicadas, a morning breeze through my window, and the faint smell of my Diptyque candle. I didn't sleep in, but I woke refreshed, and with the feeling that I didn't want to waste the day. 
Today would set the tone for the start of this new year. 
The year I aim to Dream, Believe, Achieve.

A quick breakfast, then off for a morning walk with my mum, a stop for coffee (me), Lemongrass and Ginger tea (mum), quick selfie at the beach and then a walk back.
This was followed by laying by a pool with family and reading a new book, and then an afternoon of lit candles, a bowl of cherries and making my mark on the new notebook I did receive for Christmas - the very place for my promises, hopes and dreams.

So for those of you that read this blog for its varied reasons - the fitness side, the motivation side, the writing side, the images side, or the pure fact that you are a dear friend and so lovely to support me by reading regardless, take a minute to think how you would like to set the tone for your 2014. How will you use your fresh, clean, unused blank canvas to fulfil your promises, hopes and dreams?

2014... I am ready

Words: My Own
Images: Pinterest