Monday, April 29, 2013

8 Steps to a Healthy Mind

I recently read this quick but easy article in my Women's Fitness magazine, about the steps that lead you to a healthy mind. I've added a few of my own in, which got my own mind thinking!
For those of us that love our routines, and become rather focused and determined in our eating habits and exercise, these tips might serve as a gentle reminder.

1. Do One Thing at a Time
Stop trying to do so many things at once that may end up half-assed and less effective. Make a list of of the things on your to-do list and attack them one by one, crossing them off as you go along. This also promotes a sense of self-accomplishment.

2. Inspire Yourself
Once a week, listen or read something that will motivate you. Enjoy how you relax while you do this activity and try to make it a regular habit. I love a bit of reading Cosmo in the bath.

3. Learn to Say No
This one is probably one of the hardest ones I struggle with. As someone that doesn't like disappointing friends and family, it can often be hard to say No, because you can't possibly justify taking that time out for yourself, right? Prioritise the things you really want to do. Then gradually but graciously, withdraw from the things you feel obligated to do, but aren't loving, and enjoy a bit of "me" time. If they're your friends, then they should understand.

4. Manage Social Media Effectively
Try not to let yourself check your phone every 5 minutes if you really could be/should be enjoying this time in a better way. It will give your brain a break, ease stress and anxiety potentially about what you may see or read, and leave you in a much happier headspace. 

5. Take Breathing Breaks
Aim to take at least 10 minutes twice a day for deep breathing. Your stomach should rise and fall, not your chest, this will help with concentration and stability and leave you feeling calmer and mentally clearer.

6. Switch Off
Women's Fitness suggests turning off your smart phones and turning on your Out of Office. Realistically though,we are always on the go, and sometimes this is just not possible. Have you considered just putting your phone on silent so that you can monitor when you choose to answer these less urgent messages and calls, and if you sit at a desk all day, maybe try and make a self-rule not to check or look at work emails during your lunch break.

7. Curb Bad Habits
Mmmm Tim Tams...
When you're stressed or on edge its so easy to turn to crutches or vices out of habit. Our most popular evils are smoking, drinking and the type of food that makes you feel good at the time, and then crap later. Finding an alternative stress coping strategy will benefit you in the long run, and my favourites are making myself sit still to read, going for a walk, or making a cup of tea and sitting in the sun.

8. Reward Yourself
Sometimes I like to interpret this to mean a shopping spree at Lorna Jane, but maybe thats just me.
But really, after a successful attempt of trying the above points, there's nothing wrong with booking yourself in for a treatment, or a treat (my roomie's banana bread is amazing), which gives you something to look forward to and enjoy.
I also like to set this kind of reward, maybe not every month, but at least after my 8 Week set of Transformation Training, to reward myself for those cold, dark nights, squatting and planking in a park (this description alone should show my training dedication)when I could have chosen to be at home watching Game of Thrones on the couch.

Maybe after reading this you could pick just one point to start with, and see how you go...

Image:Google Images
Content: Women's Fitness May 2013 and my own


  1. Such a great idea! Im going to start immediately first 1 on my to do list is curb bad habits (and then reward myself when i do) :)

  2. All soooo very important - nice one!


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