Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Live and Embrace the Season...

When life gets so busy, it can be so easy to forget to stop and enjoy the small things. Always on the go, caught up in daily activities and schedules. Each of our seasons have a common theme, they bring change. Temperature and unpredicatble weather - be it good or bad, they all present up with the opportunity to change and be able to let go of what was, and to welcome what will be.
Instead of complaining about how cold it's been getting of late, why not take this as an opportunity to see a bright side for change. Brisk morning or afternoon walks, that allow you to wear your warm and snuggly work out gear, perhaps a great excuse to treat yourself to that new jumper you had your eye on?
Listen to your favourite songs as you get in at least 20mins of exercise out in the fresh air, and then come home with the perfect excuse for a warm bath or relaxing shower.
A simple 20mins of exercise will have you feeling like you have accomplished something with your day, if the rest has appeared to be quite ordinary. Put on those warm socks, make some tea, and then relax.
Love the fact that this weather is giving you the go ahead for hot chocolate, rugged up PJ's and electric blankets. Homemade soups and mum's homemade apple crumble
While we all love the onset of Summer, who says that Winter can't be just as enjoyable?
"Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each.
You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment"
- Henry David Thoreau

Image: Pinterest

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