Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Spring Cleaning


The arrival of spring represents a fresh start and new beginnings. Spring is also known as the season of hope. It's time to clear out the cobwebs and extend your spring cleaning to the rest of your life and get rid of some lifestyle clutter.
Choose some goals to tick off your list this spring.
If you're unsure where to start, this might help
Get started on some spring affirmations and/or manifestos
Refresh your motivation
Clean up your relationships
Many of us cling on to friendships and relationships well past their use-by date, believing that quantity is more important than quality when it comes to the people in our lives. However, if you are holding on to relationships that no longer make you feel good, it may be time to let them go. It may be time to focus on those people who make you happy instead
Think of bike rides and beach days

Declutter your mind
Many of us harbour negative emotions over time such as anger, jealousy and hatred; however these emotions are not only worthless, they can also be detrimental to your health and happiness. Try to realise that these feelings aren’t adding anything to your life and let go of any negative emotions or grudges you have been holding. Also, find a method to deal with any anxiety and stress, such as through yoga, meditation or counselling. Remember that worrying won’t change the future; it will only ruin the present.
Get rid of actual clutter
While you’re dusting off the other areas of your life it’s a great time to have a traditional spring clean and clear out any household clutter. Throw away or give to charity anything you don’t use anymore (including clothes you’ve been waiting for years for the “right occasion” to wear!), clear your kitchen cupboards of junk food and re-arrange the furniture to freshen up your home. Not only will this give you space for more useful things, but decluttering your home can also boost your mental health
Download a new playlist If your usual run loop is getting a little boring, download a great new playlist to keep you motivated! Make a mix of slow and fast tracks and increase or reduce your speed in time with the music. Instant interval training!

Detox your routine
If all you did throughout winter was run on the treadmill or cross-trainer at the gym, get out of your rut by booking into a few new classes, joining a local sports team, or training for a completely new event. A change is as good as a holiday and mixing it up will challenge your body to use new muscles and encourage it to shed the winter layers!

Detox your diet
80% of your results will come from what you eat, so ditch winter's heavy comfort foods and switch to a colourful, nutrient-rich diet. Think green and bright coloured veggies, salads, slow-cooked whole grains, good fats and lean sources of protein. Encourage good circulation and increased metabolism by giving yourself a break from non-fermented dairy (milk, ice-cream, most cheeses), starchy carbs and sugars


1 comment:

  1. So true - "worrying won’t change the future; it will only ruin the present."

    ...also excellent use of semicolon :p


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