Thursday, October 17, 2013

Nuts for the C Nut

For those that know me, I am rather organised. Appointments go in the iCal, post-its go up at my desk, notes get written on my hand. Shampoo and Conditioner running out? I'll probably stock up when it's halfway through (cos i'm a glass half full kind gal).
So last week, organised Nicole woke up with no moisturiser. #firstworldproblems
After years of problem skin, my patient facialist and I have finally found what works, and I'm holdin' on to that for dear life! So with no time-frame to get to said facialist before the weekend, I was in a bit of a bind. I don't wake up, or go to bed at night, without moisturising. So I thought I would take a risk and try out the coconut oil in my cupboard that I have been using to cook my food. To any males reading this...bear with me, this is not a trick post about that time of the month.
Hearing for some time about the multi-purpose benefits of coconut oil I considered it an experiment of sorts.
After only a few days of applying this morning and night, I found my skin hydrated, so soft and smooth!
The applying to my face still made me a little nervous, but I am still regularly using this on my body and it is amazing!
So after doing a little more research I came across some other really great benefits and uses of coconut oil...
Coconut oil contains short term medium-chain saturated fatty acids (MCFAs), which is a "healthy" form of saturated fat compared to trans fat. Trans fatty acid consumption is linked with heart problems, depression and increased cholesterol levels.
If you suffer from poor digestion or tummy bloating try adding coconut oil to your diet. Coconut oil has been found to benefit digestive disorders including irritable bowel syndrome and microbial related tummy bugs. Fatty acids in coconut oil contain anti microbial properties, which have a soothing effect on bacteria, candida, or parasites that cause poor digestion.
Coconut oil is made up of healthy fats lauric acid, caprylic acid and capric acid which contain antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral prosperities to boost the immune system.
A study reported in the Journal of Nutrition found that coconut oil boosts metabolism. Researchers found that participants who consumed two tablespoons of coconut oil per day burned more kilojoules than those who consumed less. A speedy metabolism helps boost the body's immune system and keep weight off.
Coconut is not just for your cooking – it's a wonderfully hydrating treat for skin too. It keeps the skin's connective tissues strong, which prevents sagging and wrinkles. Apply coconut oil directly to your skin to soften the appearance of fine lines or use it daily on your face and body for a healthy glow. Be sure you use virgin coconut oil with no additives.
Don’t confuse this with Coconut Cream or you’ll just smell like a really delightful Pina Colada.
Because coconut oil is a medium-chain saturated fatty acid, it gives it a higher smoking temperature than most polyunsaturated or monounsaturated oils. If you're preparing recipes that require high temperatures you should consider coconut oil for this type of cooking. Unlike olive oil which will oxidise at high temperatures, creating free radicals.
Words: My Own| Good Health
Image: Pinterest


  1. Yes! I use coconut oil in place of almost all other oils in the kitchen now. I also started using it as a moisturizer earlier this year. It's kind of greasy for me, so after I put it on I use a wash cloth to make my face less shiny and slick.
    Here's a tip for when you travel. My mom used to rub Neosporin inside her nostrils to keep from getting sick on long flights, and to keep her nose from drying out. Instead of Neosporin I use coconut oil. It definitely keeps my nose from feeling so awful and dry, and I like to think it helps with any germs I encounter. And one last thing...I had a brown spot (age spot?) on my face and after some months of using coconut oil it has all but disappeared. I have another one on my chest so I'm applying it regularly there to see if that one also disappears.
    I love coconut oil! :)

  2. Love it!

    So not too greasy on your skin then? Had wondered how quickly it absorbed??

  3. It absorbs very quickly, and also a good indicator how dehydrated your skin is if it absorbs it almost immediately!
    Felt comfortable sleeping with it applied x


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