With the weather getting warmer it's time to start paying more attention to our skin.
What we drink is the key to happy skin. Dehydrated skin loses it's healthy glow and with higher temperatures this can lead to headaches and heat stroke.
The Institute of Medicine in the USA recommends women drink about 2.2 litres of water a day (which equals around 9 cups). This can also include herbal and caffeine-free teas.
From the Inside Out
Eating a healthy, balanced diet that is rich in fresh fruit and vegetables is a positive start. Particular nutrients that have been known to improve skin are Selenium, a powerful antioxidant thats found in brazil nuts, eggs, cereal grains and fish. Great for protecting against symptoms of sun damage such as age spots.
Exfoliating with a homemade scrub or dry body brush. This increases circulation and leaves the skin feeling soft, smooth and glowing. Exfoliate before hopping in the shower, in small circular motions.
The best time to give skin a drink is after a bath or shower. Dermatologists recommend in the warmer months to keep your moisturiser- face and body, in the fridge, leaving the skin with a cool calming feeling once applied.
Words: My Own|Body & Soul
Image: Pinterest
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