Happy Friday All!
Enjoy this week's Friday Faves!
Cookie shaped shot glass
From the man that created the "cronut", comes a cookie baked and shaped shot glass, for you to pour your milk into and drink/eat
Dominique Ansell Instagram
Bruno Mars
After seeing Bruno Mars in concert this week, it reminded me why I love him as a performer. He keeps his clothes on at all times, looks a little nerdy, but his voice performing live is amazing. No props or fancy graphics required, just a whole lot of singing and guitar playing. It reaffirmed my favourite Bruno Mars song to date - Gorilla
Google Images
Do you have a favourite day of the week? Mine are currently Wednesdays, as that's when I head to Yoga, switch off, relax and stretch myself out.
Alongside attending for the flexibility aspect, I'm really enjoying pushing myself through the challenging poses, and feeling the sense of accomplishment as each week I get closer to achieving those poses that I could not previously do.
Yoga brings benefits such as better sleep, relaxation, joint mobility and movement to help decrease the onset of arthritis, positions like downward dog place pressure on your arms to hold your body weight, which in turn assist your bone strength to prevent osteoperosis. Yoga's ability to lower the level of cortisol (stress hormone) is also a no brainer.
For those that think that yoga belongs to the mung bean hippies, the above should be enough to make you think again.
For those that think that yoga belongs to the mung bean hippies, the above should be enough to make you think again.
Come visit my lovely lady Louise at Surfside Yoga

Surfside Yoga Facebook
Tim Tams
Really, the picture says it all doesn't it?
Everything I imaged it would taste like, but better
Google Images
Flu Season
It's begun. How do I know? It got me. It got me good.
The one thing that always helps with a faster flu season recovery is this bottle of goodness. ArmaForce by Bioceuticals
Containing Olive leave, echinacea and andrographis, this is a more natural solution to the over the counter cold and flu tablets that you can take.
Available at most health food stores and chemists
Bioceuticals Website
Words: My Own
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