If you’re looking out the window currently, you might not
believe me.
But did you witness yesterday?
One of the sunniest, most perfect days that Sydney had to
offer lately.
Remember when we were excited a few short months ago about
warm chunky knits, hot tea, snuggling inside with a good book, or just snuggling
in general. We took for granted what we were going to miss – the smell of
coconut sunscreen, the warm sun on your back with enough breeze to keep you
cool, breaking back in those thongs, hello blisters! Walking places because why
would you drive when it’s so lovely outside, dining outdoors with friends and
taking your sweet time. There was a taste of Spring yesterday, and I liked it!
We constantly read posts, instagrams, quotes etc about the
powers of positive thinking, changing your perception for a better outlook,
spring clean to relieve stress, create a sense of accomplishment etc however
when you read this, on a rainy day, with no sun in sight, no motivation to go
out in the cold – it’s a little hard to take it all on board and want to put it into action.
Waking up yesterday to such amazing weather, my mind automatically thought, it’s going to be a good day. All those smells of spring, you feel like the day is never ending (in a good way). So simple that a change in weather, automatically brings a shift in attitude and positivity without actually really trying very hard at all to bring this to the forefront of your mind.
I guess the point I’m trying to make is, I woke up
yesterday. Saw what the weather was like. Felt spring, smelt spring,
immediately felt happier, lighter and just... excited. I didn’t need a blog, Instagram
or quotes on my phone to put me in that mood, just stepping outside did that
for me.
I encourage you to try it
Words: My Own
I want to tell you thank you for your blog. It was what I needed right now, at this moment in my life. Also, may I give you something in return? I want to give you this special invite. Thank you again. Lisa
I want to tell you thank you for your blog. It was what I needed right now, at this moment in my life. Also, may I give you something in return? I want to give you this special invite. Thank you again. Lisa