Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Easy, Healthy Cookies

Get ready to learn the easiest cookie recipe you have ever seen!
My clever mum found this one, and I took last nights cold and rainy weather as the perfect opportunity to make something for after dinner.
Filling, satisfying, and not at all naughty!
You can add other things you like to this recipe, but the amazing point I would like to make, is that you only really need 2 main ingredients. Yep! TWO!
2 large bananas (can be ripe or old)
1 cup of quick oats
Mix together
Then add in whatever else you'd like
eg crushed walnuts, choc chips, cinnamon, sultanas
For my first go, I didn't have quick oats on hand, so I just used 1 cup of my morning museli mix.
This contained shredded coconut, cranberries, sultanas and oats.
I then added some cinnmon and chia seeds
Try not to add too many mix-ins as the cookie mixture is less likely to hold together.
This should make around 16 cookies
Cook for 15 minutes at 170 degrees celsius
Because I used real oats instead of quick oats, i'm not certain if this altered the taste experience. I still found them incredibly yummy, crunchy on the outside but gooey on the inside.
Perhaps if you used the quick oats they might have more crunch all the way through - something to play around with!
For those that think eating about 6 in one go would be sacrilege, think back to what you put in there. Oats, banana and some nuts and sultanas... now you can reach for your 7th :-)
I allowed mine to cool from the oven until they were still slightly warm, and then enjoyed with a cup of green tea in my Hermes fine china.
 (Please read that last line in an extremely posh voice)
2 main ingredients, how easy!
Images: My Own

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