Whilst we read and learn about the power of positive thinking, and balancing our work and home lives in a happy headspace, I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to talk about vision boards.
Vision boards, mood boards, dream boards, inspirational collages - whatever you like to call them, they exist for so many great reasons.
Vision boards help take you out of your comfort zone, and place you in the centre of achieving your goals.
If you're like me, and not 100% clear and accurate on what you actually want your goals to be, vision boards are great for just letting your creativity flow, allowing you to step back, and watch your goals grow organically, with no expectations and no pressure. Rather than just random pretty pictures that some may feel serve "no purpose", vision boards allow you to direct your eye towards things that inspire you, motivate you, or quite simply are images that you just can't tear your eyes away from.
For someone to look at someone else's vision board, they may not understand or relate to the images or the words that they have chosen. A board is unique to the individual that has created it, and can often explain in images, what the individual may struggle to say or convey with words.
Making a vision board is extremely simple. The example below, is my vision board I have created and added to over time, at my work desk. To have a vision board at work allows me to escape the stresses that a job can often bring. Some brightness, colour, and motivation are always more appealing to look at , particularly if you spend around 9 hours a day at the same desk, 5 days a week.
For me, sourcing my motivation and inspiration is based online. I collect images that I see all over the internet, save them to a folder, and when I feel my vision board needs a makeover, or adding to, I print the pictures and stick them up!
My friend Niccy, is a fan of cutting out images and quotes from her magazines, this in itself is quite a therapeutic process, on a cold and rainy afternoon, sitting and watching a movie, while you browse through your favourite mags and cut out images that just say "you".
Below are some further examples of vision boards. Yours may have a theme - Fitness, Health, Fashion, Travel or a combination. There's no rule of thumb with a vision board. Whatever makes you happy and motivates you when you look at it. If you're not a "board" person, why not use some space on your fridge to start, so you can glimpse some inspiration whenever you walk past . Some would argue that this is now the point of web-based sites such as Pinterest, but in my opinion, there's something so much nicer about doing it the old-school way.
Quotes and Motivation
Health and Fitness
If you're DIY inclined, my friend over at The Life Creative has done a tutorial on how to create your own mood board, that you may also like to give a go! You can check it out here: http://thelifecreativeblog.com/2013/05/19/an-easy-ikea-mood-board-makeover/
Images: Pinterest
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