Before we get started I should probably start by saying that I don't actually know a Fiona. But if I did, the first thing I would say to her is, STOP BEING A FENCE SITTER,FIONA!
Fence sitter's like our mythical Fiona, are the types of women that like to wait around, going about their day to day, and waiting for something truly amazing and exciting to happen. Oh Fiona...
You create the life and adventures that you desire, based on your thoughts, your words and actions.
Being comfortable is safe, and perfectly ok for some. Some days I am comfortable and safe, and that is just fine by me. But what would happen if you had the courage to change that safe, comfortable nest you've built? The first step off that fence is always easier said than done, but you need to embody confidence. Put yourself into a new situation, or one that you know might not make you feel truly comfortable because it's not your safe nest. Start saying yes to things! This will put you in a position that will help you welcome and encourage fantastic adventures and opportunities.
If you're like me, it takes some time to put this in to practise, and I like to think that something that involves confidence is always, ALWAYS a work in progress, but my best tip to you would be - fake it till you make it!

If you find yourself saying things like "I cant'", we repeat this mantra, and our mind starts to believe it. We become those words and they shape our ability. On Monday night during my Outdoor Fitness session, I decided to "I can". The shuffler in me ended up running- in between core work-, for around 50 minutes straight. The whole time I ran (shuffled), I kept thinking, "Ok this will be my last lap, I can't do anymore, no i'm actually serious Nicole."
Then when the next lap came around, I had no option. I was quite literally pushed into starting the lap. So I thought "How am I still possibly running (shuffling)? Maybe I should keep going to see how long I can go for". Oh I totally got lapped and overtaken. The air couldnt get into my lungs quick enough. But I actually did it!

As a side note, it 100% makes a difference if you are doing this with like-minded and motivating people. Had I been on my own, it probably wouldn't have worked. I might have run/walked to a blaring Thriller , but I would not have pushed myself. There's something so amazing about people cheering each other on, and giving positive feedback to one another, with nothing to gain other than making that person feel like they are really giving it a good go. In between gasping for breath. R.E.S.P.E.C.T to my training girls x
In order to amplify this confidence and positivity, take note of those around you. Who inspires you? Who can you learn from? Who motivates you? These are the people you want to stick with. The ones that bring out the absolute best in you. This is how you grow.
Stop sitting on the fence with Fiona, and say yes to something you normally would say no to. Instead of waiting for things to happen, make them happen and then see the rewards that you reap.
Images: Pinterest | My Own
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