Sunday, July 21, 2013

SOS ~ Sister of Support

I came across a really great blog entry on the Lorna Jane - Move Nourish Believe website this past week. This blog post was dedicated to the notion of having an "SOS" - Sister of Support system.

After reading this article, it comes down to this... A Sister of Support supports each other with their individual goals, through thick and thin, high days and low days, and are there to lend a helping hand along the way, when we all need that little extra push.
An SOS helps put things into a greater perspective. That over thinking and self criticism you do in your head? Your SOS helps you quash that and reminds you how well you are doing on your journey to be the best you. In most instances, SOS are on the same journey, with very similar goals and ambitions, which is why you have probably attracted one another!

An SOS is there to answer those text messages and phone calls, yell at you at training to keep going, and push you to keep up with them so that you can finish the session and cross the line together. They support your healthy eating and what you are trying to achieve, and the best part is, they are often in the same boat, and you both support each other.

If you are like me, you may not have just one SOS. I have a handful. These SOS are only a text, email and Facebook group away, and never falter in motivating, and pushing us all - the very best person who wants the very best for you, is in fact the person that wants the same for themselves.

So who is your SOS? After reading this, take a few minutes to think about it, and let your SOS know how much they are in fact, your Sister of Support. Send them a text, an email. Giving someone the warm and fuzzy's costs absolutely nothing, yet is guaranteed to make their day! Send them a pic or some kind words that sums up how they make you feel, or how they help to encourage you. 

We can never have too many Sisters of Support. Rather than taking the time to bitch and moan about those whose actions you just don't understand, focus your time on those that lift you up and are just so refreshing to be around.

Remember... let your SOS know :-)

Content: Move Nourish Believe| My Own

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