Monday, September 30, 2013


Most of the time, when I write a blog post, I write with an intention. A message that i'd like to convey, motivation i'd like to share or encourage, or fitness related tips and information that I have found interesting and wanted to share. Today's post, is a little different, as I have no intention, or message, but simply a desire to write happy thoughts and hope that in turn as you read this, you also think happy.
I'm not sure what it is, but with Spring in the air, it feels like we have been given a new lease on life. The air is filled with infinite possibilities. The sun is shining brighter, the breeze is getting warmer, thoughts are becoming happier and less burdoned with the funk that was Winter.
Spring should be all about saying yes to new things. To new opportunites, to things you've always wanted to do or try but never got around to it. It should be about random trips to the beach, or quiet afternoons in the sun reading and relaxing. No worry of time, no hurry.
The mere thought of Daylights Savings has me incredibly excited.
Extra daylight to go for a walk outdoors after work, to train with more light, to be awoken every morning by natural light, rather than the alarm. No more limitations on being at home because its too dark outside to do anything.
Share this excitement, make it contagious, find enjoyment from the small things and you will find that you are rarely disappointed. Be a nerd like me and make a list of all those things you keep meaning to do, but dont. That book you wanted to read, that recipe you wanted to try, those herbs you wanted to plant, that sunny day picnic with friends, seriously so many things to write down.
I've spoken about detoxing your life for Spring, cleaning out wardrobes, pantries, life, energy, emotions for Spring, now you have all this space to impliment the things you've been waiting for.


Instead of thinking of Monday as the day that ruined your weekend, think of it as the start of a new week, of new possibilities, choices and plans
Words: My Own
Image: Pinterest

Friday, September 27, 2013

Summer Fitness Fun

Purple Elephants
Give yourself positive direction. If you tell yourself not to think about purple elephants, you'll think about purple elephants. Instead of saying 'don't stop', flip the negative and give yourself a positive instruction instead... 'keep going'.

Realistic Role Models
Exercise with those that have similar goals and want to succeed in the activities you try. Seeing them successfully do push-ups or run five kilometres will make you believe you can do it too. 

Show Me the Money
Every time you exercise, put $3 into a savings tin or jar. At the end of three months, or your challenge completion, use the money to buy yourself a treat. The more you exercise, the better your treat. As an extra goal - try to think past your treat being of the edible variety. Treats can come in many shapes and forms - a pedicure, new training top, BPA free water bottle, magazine subscription, yum cha with the girls

Tackle Obstacles
Let's face it, if you know me - i'm not a runner. I'm not even a yogger (it's a soft J).
I'm a shuffle while breathing heavily type person, and i'm totally ok with that. A lot of us avoid certain exercises (myself included) because of our fear factor. We worry we are too old, too big, too uncoordinated, too slow. Ask yourself what evidence you have for your thoughts and think about what you would tell a friend who expressed the same doubt. Remind yourself of your good qualities in other areas!

Every month, do a check to see how much further you are running, whether you're lifting heavier weights, planking for longer, how loose your pants are. If you feel like opting out of a session, think how it would be to slip back after all your hard work, and how hard it would be to get back on the bandwagon.

Punishment vs Pleasure
A lot of people exercise because they don't like their body. But if you do that, exercise becomes a dreaded punishment. Work out because you want to look after your body and mental health, and you are more likely to enjoy doing so.

Image: Google
Content: My Own

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Spicy Baby

Heavy dressings with your meals aren't actually necessary, if we factor in how many beneficial spices we have at our disposal. Adding certain spices to your food not only tantalise the taste buds, but provide additional health benefits.

Good for bone health. Rich in manganese and vitamin K for stronger bones, these have been ranked the best natural antioxidant by Spanish researchers. High levels of phenolic compounds which have anti-inflammatory benefits

Good for building immunity. Commonly used in many Indian dishes, and great for infection protection in the stomach. Curcumin, a substance found in turmeric, increases the level of a protein essential for a strong immune system

Good for brain health. A recent US study found certain compounds in cinnamon help prevent the tangles in the brain cells found in Alzheimers. Cinnamon helps keep blood sugar stable.

Black Pepper
Good for fat burning. What a suprise that one of the spices I currently am yet to like, is the fat burning one! Used for centuries in traditional Eastern medicine to treat pain and inflammation, now Korean researchers say piperine in black pepper keeps our weight in check by hampering the genes that create new fat cells

Handy Hint
Adding spices such as paprkika, turmeric and cloves to a high-fat meal can reduce the spike of bad fats in your blood after eating, by about 30 per cent, compared to the same meal eaten without the spices added, according to US experts.

Images: Google
Content: My Own| Good Health

Monday, September 23, 2013

Cardio and Resistance - Did You Know?

Walking running, swimming, dancing, skipping, some would say shopping - all count as cardio. Basically any exercise that raises your heart rate. "Ooh shoes on sale!"

Long slow-duration (LSD)
Low intensity where you keep a steady heart rate. They should last up to at least 15 minutes and up to two hours. LSD workouts can take the form of running, cycling or even fast walking improved cardiovascular fitness and lung capacity. Aim for at least one LSD session a week, and increase the length of each session in order to improve your stamina

High-intensity interval training (HIIT)
I love this one, and hate it at the same time. And then once it's over, I learn to love it again. This delivers better results than any other type of workout. Working your body so hard that it can't supply sufficient oxygen to your muscles and so you reach your muscle failure quickly. A 20-30 minute session would be all you needed. Alternate intense 30-45 second bursts of skipping, sprinting, stair climbing, body resistance exercise and plyometric jumping moves. You only need to do two HIIT a week, allowing a rest day to fully recover. Don't feel guilty! Research shows you continue to burn kilojoules for up to 72hrs post workout.

Resistance Training
Can incorporate your own body weight, free weights, kettlebells and medicine balls. The weight you use combined with the repetitions and sets you perform must stress your body sufficiently to be effective. Never be afraid to use heavier weights for fear of bulking up - women don't have the testosterone levels to get big. Instead, weights will help you achieve the toned body you are aiming for. 

The weights you use need to be heavy enough so the muscle group you are training is fatigued by the end of each set. 

What's a Rep? What's a Set?
I've actually only JUST started to differentiate the two! Nothing makes you sound less like a pro when you confuse the two. Awkward...
Reps (repetitions) are a cycle of lifting and lowering a weight, while a set is a group of repetitions. How many you complete should be based on your goals. If your goal is to reduce body fat, Women's Fitness recommends performing two sets of six to 12 repetitions. If your goal is to develop muscular endurance, perform three to four sets of 12 plus repetitions.

Image: Google
Content: My Own | Women's Fitness

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Life Detoxes

We speak and focus so much on detoxing our body, that we often forget that we also have the option of doing a little life detox too.
Small but significant ways in which we can make life instantly easier!

* Book all those appointments that you have been putting off. They can absorb mental space, so being organised with these little things will make a world of difference

* Make over your make up. Anything with an applicator lasts three months. Foundation and cleanser lasts six to 12 months, lipstick and concealer lasts a year and powders need to be replaced every two years. Not sure the shelf life of your product? Most beauty products have a use by indicator on the back or bottom. See below for example:

* Make a critical list. Things that make you feel grounded and in control

* Unsubscribe from all those deals, specials, newsletters you get every day via email that you delete immediately. Feel the weight lift from your mental inbox!

* Have a no-spend day (I can't believe I'm writing this one. It's hurting, trust me). Challenger yourself not to spend any money for a day. Try homemade breakfast, tea, lunch and dinner. Bring from home whatever you can!

* Stop multitasking. One recent study showed that it takes about 15 minutes to recover from a distraction, like a new email or text. 

* Buy a plant. A bit of greenery does you good. One study showed pot plants reduced stress and fatigue, plus they look pretty. 

* Digital cleanup! Similar to the unsubscribing from all the crap you no longer read, a cluttered inbox is just as bad for your mental health as a cluttered work desk. Delete or neatly file away!

Content: My Own
Images: Google

Monday, September 16, 2013

Future vs Present

These days, we so frequently find ourselves with an occurring thought. "When I get this", "When I am fitter", "When i am stronger". But what happened to thinking about the present, the here and now?

What is our aversion to believing that we can be successful and that things are great in the present?

A lot of this comes down to social comparison. We want to be reassured that we are doing well in life and so we compare ourselves to those around us. We become to entrenched in this habit that we convince ourselves that if we have more money, a bigger house, better clothes and fabulous holidays then we must be doing ok.

The danger in looking for future events to make you happy, is that you will miss out on experiencing joy in the present, because you are too focused on the future. This can be attributed to getting to an ideal goal weight, meeting The One, earning more money, having your life sorted etc...
If we think too far to the future instead of enjoying the present, goal posts shift and you will struggle to get to a point where you belief that you are happy, and your life is going how you want it. There is always more to do, more to think, more to plan, more goals to set, so you constantly deny yourself the enjoyment of feeling happy and content in the right here and now. 

Remind yourself that you do not need reassurance from anyone, this stems from yourself. Ask yourself why do you need this reassurance? What has happened recently that has made you feel a particular way, that you need to seek reassurance from someone. If you can get to the nuts and bolts of how you are feeling, you will soon develop the healthier habit of talking and reassuring yourself through what is coming up for you, and soon realise that seeking reassurance from others, becomes less and less a necessity.

Self love... two simple words. 

Content: My Own
Image: Google

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Power of Positivity

I have posted about positivity before, and it was one of my most read posts. I strongly believe that you can never have enough positivity in your life, so here comes another positivity post!

When there is something that you want to achieve in life, the most important part in this process is to back yourself. Once you know that you can believe in yourself, it makes it so much easier for your actions to become a reality.

Having a positive outlook is vital to having a happy and successful life. Sometimes life can throw some really shitty obstacles our way, and if we aren't in the mindset of thinking positively, you aren't going to be able to recover as effectively from these obstacles.

You can't live or practise a positive life with a negative mindset. When you want to be positive and you decide to be, everything becomes clearer and easier. Exercise, investing time for yourself and being the best version of yourself.

Being positive is easier when you have surrounded yourself with like-minded, positive people. Having learnt this one the hard way, be mindful of the company that you keep. People have their own agendas, and their own issues, if you have someone in your life whose friendship just brings you down, makes you feel negative about yourself, or the conversation in general, brings out a side of you that you know is not the real you, why do you feel the need to act a certain way with this person? and why should you keep this friendship going if you get nothing but negativity and stress from it? - this is a sign of a toxic relationship, and one you should maturely walk away from.
We are all adults, we aren't always necessarily going to agree with one another, but instead of playing the blame game, we should all be confident enough to distance ourselves from friendships that we no longer feel nourish or support us.
Spend time with people who are supportive of your ambitions and who encourage you to be  the best that you can be.

Be strong enough to let go of those that weigh you down, and make the decision to spend more of your time with people who are as passionate as you are about the plans and ambitions you have for your life, or quite simply, those that enjoy life, are relaxed, love you for who you are and motivate you. 

Don't let others make you feel bad for the path that you have chosen to take, to lead a healthy and happy life. Some friendships last for as long as they need to, others last a lifetime. 

Image: Pinterest
Words: My Own

Monday, September 9, 2013

12 Things Successful People Do Differently

1. They create and pursue SMART goals

2. They tale decisive and immediate ACTION

3. They FOCUS on being productive, not being busy

4. They make LOGICAL, informed decisions

5. They avoid the TRAP of trying to make things perfect

6. They work OUTSIDE of their comfort zone

7. They keep things SIMPLE

8. They focus on making small, continuous IMPROVEMENTS

9. They measure and track their PROGRESS

10. They maintain a POSITIVE outlook as they learn from mistakes

11. They spend time with the RIGHT people

12. They maintain BALANCE in their life

Image: Pinterest
Content: MOVE - Lorna Jane Clarkson

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Spring Cleaning


The arrival of spring represents a fresh start and new beginnings. Spring is also known as the season of hope. It's time to clear out the cobwebs and extend your spring cleaning to the rest of your life and get rid of some lifestyle clutter.
Choose some goals to tick off your list this spring.
If you're unsure where to start, this might help
Get started on some spring affirmations and/or manifestos
Refresh your motivation
Clean up your relationships
Many of us cling on to friendships and relationships well past their use-by date, believing that quantity is more important than quality when it comes to the people in our lives. However, if you are holding on to relationships that no longer make you feel good, it may be time to let them go. It may be time to focus on those people who make you happy instead
Think of bike rides and beach days

Declutter your mind
Many of us harbour negative emotions over time such as anger, jealousy and hatred; however these emotions are not only worthless, they can also be detrimental to your health and happiness. Try to realise that these feelings aren’t adding anything to your life and let go of any negative emotions or grudges you have been holding. Also, find a method to deal with any anxiety and stress, such as through yoga, meditation or counselling. Remember that worrying won’t change the future; it will only ruin the present.
Get rid of actual clutter
While you’re dusting off the other areas of your life it’s a great time to have a traditional spring clean and clear out any household clutter. Throw away or give to charity anything you don’t use anymore (including clothes you’ve been waiting for years for the “right occasion” to wear!), clear your kitchen cupboards of junk food and re-arrange the furniture to freshen up your home. Not only will this give you space for more useful things, but decluttering your home can also boost your mental health
Download a new playlist If your usual run loop is getting a little boring, download a great new playlist to keep you motivated! Make a mix of slow and fast tracks and increase or reduce your speed in time with the music. Instant interval training!

Detox your routine
If all you did throughout winter was run on the treadmill or cross-trainer at the gym, get out of your rut by booking into a few new classes, joining a local sports team, or training for a completely new event. A change is as good as a holiday and mixing it up will challenge your body to use new muscles and encourage it to shed the winter layers!

Detox your diet
80% of your results will come from what you eat, so ditch winter's heavy comfort foods and switch to a colourful, nutrient-rich diet. Think green and bright coloured veggies, salads, slow-cooked whole grains, good fats and lean sources of protein. Encourage good circulation and increased metabolism by giving yourself a break from non-fermented dairy (milk, ice-cream, most cheeses), starchy carbs and sugars


Monday, September 2, 2013

Fun Fit Facts

Lifting heavier weights for fewer reps burns more fat than lighter weights and more reps
 Eating a protein-packed breakfast and lunch helps you burn more post-meal fat eg two            
                       eggs for breakfast will help you trim more weight and body fat than if you ate the same amount of kilojoules in a bagel
 Listening to up-tempo music has been proven to make you run faster and harder than listening to classical and other slower-paced music
 Going harder during the first half hour of your workout and taking it easier during the
                        second burns up to 23% more fat than doing it the other way around
 The human body has more than 650 muscles. If every muscle worked together at the same time, you could lift about 680kg
 Keeping a food diary can help you manage your weight. When you force yourself to write down every single thing you eat and drink, you may be unpleasantly suprised to see some of the choices you are making and how much more you may be eating than you realise
 People who run for at least 4 hours a week use up more calories than non-runners even when they're not running
 The more you exercise, the more your body learns to burn fat rather than storing it

Image: Google
Content: My Own | Move Nourish Believe