Thursday, March 20, 2014

Happiness - The State of Being Happy

Perfect timing really, as today is International Day of Happiness! Although my day didn't start off fabulous, this has surely improved my outlook. You can visit me guest blogging today over at Amazing Coaching, on happiness!
The post is also below for your enjoyment
Happiness;  the state of being happy
Because I’m happy
Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth
Because I’m happy
Clap along if you know what happiness is to you
Because I’m happy
Clap along if you feel like that’s what you wanna do
Although hugely overplayed by now, one of the most simple songs to hit our airwaves has had a huge and lasting effect, based on the concept of… happiness. I’m referring to Pharell’s “Happy”, who didn’t need any complicated lyrics or subliminal messages, to promote the feelings of a free spirited, preppy, can’t-sit-still-I-want-to-dance, individual. Don’t get me started on that hat though, it looks like the Harry Potter Sorting Hat

Google Images
When thinking about what happiness means to me, I realised that happiness affects people in different ways, due to the powers of perception. How we view the world and the people in it, affects our moods.
 To some people, happiness is the feeling, when everything falls into place. Stressful situations are easier to maintain, and smiles are free and bountiful. Happiness might mean a good book and a cup of tea on a stormy afternoon. Happiness might mean a productive morning of exercise, grocery shopping, laundry, and then an afternoon of coffee and catch ups with a girlfriend. I know some friends who view happiness as a clean house. Foot rub from Channing Tatum anyone? Happiness might mean reaching goals that you had previously set, and feeling spurred on and motivated to set new ones and get started! Regardless of how you view it or think of it, it is so easily attainable if we take a step back from negativity, stress and the things that we have no control over.
One of my favourite points of view that a friend put forward, is that happiness is about other people. If they are happy, you are happy. I loved this! The way you treat other people, is the way you tend to treat yourself. More kindness towards the people in your life helps promote a kinder and more loving attitude towards yourself. For those of you that may feel a little awkward giving yourself so much lovin’ , think of it in the way that by being kind to others, indirectly affects you in a positive way. Indirect and awesome selfishness people!
I can’t speak often enough how doing a kind, thoughtful deed or gesture for someone, sets such a positive, warm and fuzzy feeling. If you can make someone’s day by doing something small and thoughtful, how do you think that would make you feel for the rest of the day? Yup, happy. How do you think that has made them feel? Happy!
Awhile back, I came across this fantastic concept on Pinterest, an idea by Elizabeth Gilbert of Eat, Pray, Love fame called “The Happiness Jar”. Ms Gilbert started this project by writing down things that made her happy on a particular day, and dropping them into her glass jar. She would do this every day until the jar became overflowing with happiness. She would then tip the contents out of the jar, and read through the notes on days when she was not feeling particularly happy or positive.

Such a simple, basic concept, but able to do so much! So I encourage you to do the same…
Write down what has brought you happiness each day, or when the moment strikes you. Open once full or when you’re feeling down and out, and remind yourself what there is to be thankful for.
So many people try to find happiness in material things, but wouldn’t a good coffee on the beach in the sun, be just as uplifting? Or Channing Tatum, there’s always time for Channing Tatum.
Or better yet, turn up the volume on Pharell and dance like no-ones watching.
“Cos I’m happy…”
Words: My Own

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