Friday, April 4, 2014

Friday Faves

Happy Days! We are back at Friday again already!
This week's Friday Faves are based around some tunes i've been loving and frequently visiting lately. I'm sure some are not to everyone's tastes, but blog posts and sharing is how I've come across some really good song finds over the years, so enjoy
Hurricane - Ms Mr
With a sound compared to Florence and the Machine and Lana Del Rey, this song has a really cool vintage sound to it. Mellow but catchy and on repeat!
Billy Joel and Jimmy Fallon - 2 Man Doo Wop Group
Not really a "song" that gets airtime, but I came across this performance of The Lion Sleeps Tonight and it's too good not to share.

Janelle Monae - Dance Apocalyptic
Super catchy, makes you want to get up and dance. Think of this as a female version of Outkasts - Hey Ya!

Iggy Azalea - Fancy
A little bit Gwen Stefani, this chick is one of the few white females who can pull off rapping and lyrical conversions with style and clarity. Can't stop playing this song

Queen feat David Bowie - Under Pressure
Before Vanilla Ice stole the back beat for Ice Ice Baby, these guys did the original and they did it amazing.
 Words: My Own


  1. I like that Iggy Azaela song, too! I really like her voice for some reason. And the Clueless video is genius. :)
    I remember when Under Pressure was first released (yes, I'm old) and when I first heard it. It came on the radio when I was driving in my car in Lomita and I was like that Freddie Mercury AND David Bowie...IN THE SAME SONG?!! I was kind of stupid excited and instantly fell in love. It's still a great song to this day.
    And Dance Apocalypic came on while I was trying on clothes at Forever 21 so I Shazam'ed it and then came home and purchased it. :)

    Good songs!

  2. Glad i'm not the only one loving those songs :-)
    Totally agree, Freddie Mercury and Bowie in one song. What more do you need? x


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