Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Approval Game

I recently came across an article on approval. Why we care so much about what other people think, and more to the point - should we care?

Our doubts and insecurities manifest ourselves into - am I good enough?
Why is self acceptance not always enough?
We crave approval because we fear rejection in different areas of our lives, and according to psychologists, it's perfectly normal to be seeking the approval of others. I am also guilty of this. This post is as much a beneficial reminder for myself as it may be for you.

The real issue starts when we start to care and think too much about what others think, and continue to look for their approval in all aspects of live. People will always have expectations of us, but sometimes these expectations can be unrealistic or unreasonable, and feeling the pressure to meet these can damage your self worth.

If you start doing things to please others rather than yourself, or pretending to be happy and satisfied with things that you really aren't happy with, this will do nothing but damage your self esteem and overall mental health.

How do you stop worrying about what other people think and live up to their expectations?
Instead of wondering if others approve of you, focus on whether you approve of yourself.
Easier said than done for sure, but everyone has to start somewhere.
Accept that you have faults and weaknesses but remember that you still have a lot to bring to the table. Skills, talents, and plenty of other things to offer.
Think about how you would treat someone who you loved and cared deeply about. Then start to treat yourself the same way. Recognise your personal strengths, and learn to embrace them and use them. 

Most importantly, aim for a state of mindfulness. Mindfulness basically is paying attention to the present moment, where you acknowledge and accept each thought, feeling and sensation that takes place. It allows us to observe our own thoughts and feelings instead of having them control us. 
Distance yourself from any negative or unhelpful thoughts and try to remind yourself that they are not facts. Let them pass through your mind, and don't bring them back in.

Words: My Own| Women's Health
Image: Pinterest

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