Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Ease Anxiety Naturally

- Go for a run or a walk
These types of exercises pump feel good hormones around the body

- Laugh! 
Laughing boosts your mood, activates your stress response, boosts circulation and relaxes your muscles. Pick a funny movie or get together with some friends 

- Breathe
A few drops of an essential oil like lavender on your pillow before bed can help have a calming effect when inhaled

- The Box of Worry
Label a small box "worry". If something worries you, write it down and put it in your worry box. As soon as you have something in your worry box, you need to deal with it. Then throw it away so you never have more than one worry in your box at a time.

- Calm
Make time to meditate even for a quick 5-10 minutes. Relax and focus on breathing and try to calm your thoughts. Focus on your surroundings and try not to follow any wandering thoughts.

- De-clutter
If your space is overrun with stuff, commit to throwing out what's needed, giving unused or unwanted clothes to charity.

- Talk
Don't be afraid to turn to a professional. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is considered one of the most effective treatments for anxiety. Working with an expert can help you to see the link between negative thoughts and your mood and give you the skills to develop more control over your emotions. The best part of CBT is that its techniques can be effective no matter what your state of anxiety.

- Stretch
Slow, rhythmic movements of yoga and its deep breathing are perfect solutions to stress and anxiety. 

Words: My Own | Women's Health

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